Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Magic Dreams
Nathan S3 E5
Songlet by Nathan Foley
Series: 3
Episode: 5
Album: Boom Boom Beat
Video: -
Before: Sign Language
This: Magic Dreams
Next: Lazy Summer Day

Hi-5 Nathan Magical Creature

Magic Dreams is a songlet from Series 3 by Nathan Foley.


There's a magical creature in my dreams,
It lives in the trunk of a magical tree,
It sleeps by day, but in the cool of night,
It comes to life and takes flight.
It flies over the land,
It flies over the sea,
It travels through my dreams,
It is a part of me.

There's a magical creature in my dreams,
It lives in the trunk of a magical tree,
It sleeps by day, but in the cool of night,
It comes to life and takes flight.
It flies over the land,
It flies over the sea,
It travels through my dreams,
It is a part of me.

