Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Jenn Korbee
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Kimee Balmilero
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Curtis Cregan
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: October 4, 2005
Song of the Week: Action Hero
Week Theme: Action
Before: Games and sports
This: Jobs
Next: Machines and other things that move

Hi-5 USA - S02 E07 - Jobs

Jobs is the seventh episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: CURTIS.




Word play

Climbing up, up, up, till I reach the very top
Climbing up the mountain, never gonna stop
A rock-climbing rescuer with all my special gear
Climbing up to get you, have no fear.

Climbing up, up, up, till I reach the very top
Climbing up the mountain, never gonna stop
A rock-climbing rescuer with all my special gear
Climbing up to get you, have no fear.

Puzzles and patterns

In and out, twirl and wind
Twirly, windy, passion fruit vine
Stretching out so very high
Growing out towards the sky.

In and out, twirl and wind
Twirly, windy, passion fruit vine
Stretching out so very wide
Growing out towards the side.

In and out, twirl and wind
Twirly, windy, passion fruit vine
Stretching out so very wide
Growing out towards the side.

Shapes in space

Lighthouse on a headland, guiding boats at sea
Bright lights shining, warning go safely
In the dark of night, when the sea mist rolls in
The lighthouse will protect us till the sun rises in the morning.

Lighthouse on a headland, guiding boats at sea
Bright lights shining, warning go safely
In the dark of night, when the cool mist rolls in
The lighthouse will protect us till the sun rises in the morning.

Body move #01

We're going on a walking trip, we'll go along this way
I'm hoping that we'll see the sun come up today
Heigh-ho, away we go, we're going walking
Heigh-ho, away we go, we're going walking today.

We're going on a jogging trip, we'll go along this way
I'm hoping that we'll see the sun come up today
Heigh-ho, away we go, we're going jogging
Heigh-ho, away we go, we're going jogging today.

Sharing stories

I wonder where I'll go today
I wonder who I'll see
The zoo is great, but I can't wait
So come explore with me.

I wonder where I go today
I wonder who I see
I met someone, who's lots of fun
Now there's a friend for me.
