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Games and sports
Cast: Jenn Korbee
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Kimee Balmilero
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Curtis Cregan
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: October 3, 2005
Song of the Week: Action Hero
Week Theme: Action
Before: Things that animals create
This: Games and sports
Next: Jobs

Hi-5 USA - S02 E06 - Games And Sports

Games and sports is the sixth episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: JENN.




Shapes in space

Get into the action, let your body go
Get into the action, move it fast or slow
You can walk or skip, jump about and run
Hop around on one leg, let's all have some fun
Wibble and wobble, shimmy and shake
Let's see what actions we can make
What’s That Action?

Get into the action, let your body go
Get into the action, move it fast or slow
You can walk or skip, jump about and run
Hop around on one leg, let's all have some fun
Wibble and wobble, shimmy and shake
Let's see what actions we can make
What’s That Action?

Puzzles and patterns

Listen to the pitter-patter sound of the rain
Falling off the rooftops again and again
Close your eyes and listen to the soft refrain
And dream of jumping puddles
And singing in the rain.

Jump, jump, one, two, three
I can jump puddles, jump with me.

Jump, jump, one, two, three
I can jump puddles, jump with me.

Splash, splash, one, two, three
I can splash puddles, splash with me.

It's a rainy day today
Gonna chase the blues away...

Making music

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
If you see me clapping, I am a happy chap.

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
And if you see me clapping, I am a happy chap...
Then I'm feeling hungry, so I stomp my feet
And if you see me stomping, you know I want to eat.

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
If you see me clapping, I am a happy chap
Then I'm feeling hungry, so I stomp my feet
If you see me stomping, you know it’s time to eat...
I'm feeling like a monkey, so I thump my chest
If you see me thumping, that is the monkey test.

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
And if you see me clapping, I am a happy chap
Then I'm feeling hungry, so I stomp my feet
And if you see me stomping, you know I want to eat
I'm feeling like a monkey, so I thump my chest
And if you see me thumping, that's the monkey test...
Then I'm feeling flappy, so I flap my arms
And if you see me flapping, no need to be alarmed.

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
If you see me clapping, I am a happy chap
I'm feeling like a monkey and I...

When I'm feeling happy, I give my hands a clap
And if you see me clap...

Body move #01

No Songlet

Sharing stories

Go, go, go, toboggan, race, race, race
If we practice really hard, we might even win first place.

Go, go, go, toboggan, race, race, race
If we practice really hard, we might even win first place.

Go, go, go, toboggan, race, race, race
If we go really fast, we might even win first place.
