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Things that animals create
Cast: Kimee Balmilero
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Curtis Cregan
Jenn Korbee
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: September 30, 2005
Song of the Week: Making Music
Week Theme: Making
Before: Making a surprise
This: Things that animals create
Next: Games and sports

Hi-5 USA - S02 E05 - Things That Animals Create

Things that animals create is the fifth episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: KIMEE.




Shapes in space

Busy weaver ant, got a job to do
Working night and day, no time to play
Picking up the leaves high up in the tree
Building a big nest for my family.

Busy weaver ants, got a job to do
Working night and day, no time to play
Picking up the leaves high up in the tree
Building a big nest for our family.

Body move #01

Sitting here is mighty fun, creating what is in my mind
Rolling, rolling, rolling a queen ant
Maybe she'll get up and she will dance.

Sitting here is mighty fun, creating what is in my mind
Rolling, rolling, rolling a queen ant
Maybe she'll get up and she will dance.

Word play

We're going on a quest, a quest for a nest
North, south, east and west, come and join the best nest quest.

We're going on a quest, a quest for a nest
North, south, east and west, come and join the best nest quest.

We're going on a quest, a quest for a nest
North, south, east and west, come and join the best nest quest.

Body move #02

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ah
Come on everybody, come on everybody, come on and monkey with me
Roll your shoulders, jump up and down
Clap your hands and monkey around.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Come on everybody, come on everybody, come on and monkey with me
Sway side to side, jump up and down
Pound that chest and monkey around.

Making music

Spidy, spidy, spider
Weave your web wider
Crisscross, down then all around
Wed weaving spidy spider.

Spidy, spidy, spider
Weave your web wider
Crisscross, down then all around
Web weaving spidy spider.

Sharing stories

Yummy yummy honey, so gold and good to eat
We collect it from the flowers, turn it into honey treats.

Yummy yummy honey, so gold and good to eat
We collect it from the flowers, turn it into honey treats.
