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Making a surprise
Cast: Kimee Balmilero
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Curtis Cregan
Jenn Korbee
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: September 29, 2005
Song of the Week: Making Music
Week Theme: Making
Before: Making a space for me
This: Making a surprise
Next: Things that animals create

Hi-5 USA - S02 E04 - Making A Surprise

Making a surprise is the fourth episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: CURTIS.



  • The tongue twister from Jenn's segment is the only songlet that has subtitles.
  • Jenn doesn't surprise Chats on her own my blowing a party horn and shouting Surprise, the way Kellie Crawford did it in the original, instead she gets the Hi-5 band to blow their party horns altogether.
  • The segment ends with Jenn telling Chats that she was hiccup tricker after she faked a hiccup.
  • All of the segments except for Sharing Stories were originally taken from Hi-5 Series 7, Episode 9 (A surprise).
  • The songlet used for Sharing Stories has the same intro to Hand In Hand.
  • This wasn't the first time in Hi-5 USA for Chats to get the hiccups. It all started in Hi-5 USA Series 1, Episode 26 (Faces).
  • During Sharing Stories, the Americans call it Pillars instead of Uprights in Australia. In that same segment, the Americans call it Car instead of Carriage that carry passengers on a train, or a monorail.


Puzzles and patterns

A tasty breakfast to start the day
A boiled egg, yum, yum, hooray
Toasty fingers, so good to eat
And a cup of tea make a yummy treat.

A tasty breakfast to start the day
A boiled egg, yum, yum, hooray
Toasty fingers, so good to eat
And a cup of tea make a yummy treat.

A tasty breakfast to start the day
A boiled egg, yum, yum, hooray
Toasty fingers, so good to eat
And a cup of tea make a yummy treat.

Body move #01

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, rolling, rolling, rolling, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, rolling, rolling, you can do.

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, stretching, stretching, stretching, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, stretching, stretching, you can do.

Word play

Could a puppy with a hiccup put a guppy in a cup?
And would a guppy in a teacup want a puppy hiccing up?
And if a guppy in a teacup shared the teacup with a pup
Would a guppy and a puppy both start hiccing up?

Could a puppy with a hiccup put a guppy in a cup?
And would a guppy in a teacup want a puppy hiccing up?
And if a guppy in a teacup shared the teacup with a pup
Would a guppy and a puppy both start hiccing up?

Could a puppy with a hiccup put a guppy in a cup?
And would a guppy in a teacup want a puppy hiccing up?
And would a guppy in a teacup shared the teacup with a pup
Would a puppy and a guppy both start hiccing up?

Body move #02

I've got a surprise, shh, and it's a good one too
Yes, I've got a surprise, waiting for you
You won't know when, you won't know how
But when you get my surprise, you're gonna say, wow!

Shapes in space

It's so simple, just sing this song
Making pasta, it won't take long
Fold and knead and squeeze and shape
Pasta, pasta, pasta, spaghetti's great.

It's so simple, just sing this song
Making pasta, it won't take long
Fold and knead and squeeze and shape
Pasta, pasta, pasta, spaghetti's great.

It's so simple, just sing this song
Making pasta, it won't take long
Fold and knead and squeeze and shape
Pasta, pasta, pasta, spaghetti's great.

Sharing stories

Three special buildings, standing here together
One, two, three, in all kinds of weather
Bustling city skyline, you really ought to see 'em
A skyscraper, a pyramid and a fine museum.

Three special buildings, standing here together
One, two, three, in all kinds of weather
Bustling city skyline, you really ought to see 'em
A skyscraper, a pyramid and a fine museum.
