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Making a space for me
Cast: Kimee Balmilero
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Curtis Cregan
Jenn Korbee
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: September 28, 2005
Song of the Week: Making Music
Week Theme: Making
Before: Making a work of art
This: Making a space for me
Next: Making a surprise

Hi-5 USA - S02 E03 - Making A Space For Me

Making a space for me is the third episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: SHAUN.




Puzzles and patterns

Up, up, up in a beautiful balloon
Flying high up in the sky on a sunny afternoon
Up, up, up in a beautiful balloon
Flying high up in the sky on a sunny afternoon.

Up, up, up in a beautiful balloon
Flying high up in the sky on a sunny afternoon
Up, up, up in a beautiful balloon
Flying high up in the sky on a sunny afternoon.

Word play

Sometimes when I'm feeling blue, the only thing that I can do
Is think of colors that I like, oh, the colors that are fun and bright.

Sometimes when I'm feeling blue, the only thing that I can do
Is think of colors that I like, oh, the colors that are fun and bright.

Sometimes when I'm feeling blue, the only thing that I can do
Is think of colors that I like, oh, the colors that are fun and bright.

Body move #01

Feelings go up, feelings go down
There's lots of different feelings spinning 'round and 'round and 'round
Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad
But feelings are something that everyone has
When I feel happy, there's a smile on my face
The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day
I run outside and start to play
Playing with my friends makes me happy today
Feelings go up, feelings go down
There's lots of different feelings spinning 'round and 'round and 'round
Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad
But feelings are something that everyone has.

Making music

How do you feel this morning? How do you feel today?
Happy, scared, or funny? Either way it's okay!

How do you feel this morning? How do you feel today?
Happy, scared, or funny? Either way it's okay.

How do you feel this morning? How do you feel today?
Happy, scared, or funny? Either way it's okay!

Body move #02

We're all wild right out there, we're right over the top
We're jumping around, don't wanna slow down
It's energy we've got.

We're all wild right out there, we're right over the top
We're jumping around, don't wanna slow down
It's energy we've got.

Sharing stories

Zoom, zoom, this will be
Zoom, zoom, great, you'll see
A fairy racer, cool and fast
Soon you'll see us racing past.

Zoom, zoom, this will be
Zoom, zoom, great, you'll see
A wizard mobile, cool and fast
Soon you'll see us racing past.

Zoom, zoom, this will be
Zoom, zoom, great, you'll see
A fairy-wizard flying machine
The greatest one you've ever seen.
