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Cast: Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Jenn Korbee
Curtis Cregan
Kimee Balmilero
Karla Cheatham Mosley
Directed by: Rob Cotterill
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: October 12, 2005
Song of the Week: T.E.A.M.
Week Theme: Teams
Before: When am I a team player?
This: Animals
Next: Cooperation and communities

Hi-5 USA - S02 E13 - Animals

Animals is the thirteenth episode from Hi-5 USA Series 2.


Absent: KIMEE.



  • 4 out of 6 segments seen here were originally taken from Hi-5 Series 7, Episode 33 (Animals).
  • Chats doesn't play a trick on Jenn during her segment. In that same segment, Timber is the word you yell when something falls to the ground.
  • Kimee only appeared in the Sharing Stories segment.


Shapes in space

We're a marching band, we march as one
We march as a team, we have lots of fun
Forward and back, keeping the beat
Round and round and round
We march lifting our feet.

We're a marching band, we march as one
We march as a team, we have lots of fun
Forward and back, keeping the beat
Round and round and round
We march lifting our feet.

Body move #01

Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Snapping with our claws
Snap, snap, snap.

Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Scuttling on the sand
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle.

Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Snap and scuttle on the sand
Scuttle-snap, scuttle-snap, scuttle.

Making music

I fly from tree to tree
Always busy no time to rest
But sometimes I get lonely
To find a friend that would be best
Sharing stories, having fun
Two will always be better than one
Better than one.

It's fun to be a hippo
Nothing else can ever match it
Except when I get itchy
I wish I had a friend to scratch it
Sharing stories, having fun
Two will always be better than one.

Sharing stories, having fun
Two will always be better than one
Better than one.

I fly from tree to tree
Always busy no time to rest
But sometimes I get lonely
To find a friend that would be best...

We're different as can be (Different as can be)
High and low
Big and small
But with you and me (You and me)
Together now we have it all
Sharing stories, having fun
Two will always be better than one
We're a perfect team (Perfect in every way)
Yeah, we’re a perfect team.

Body move #02

I open my jaw as wide as can be
Even though I have nothing to say
I think washing in mud makes me nice and clean
I roll in it three times a day.

We open our jaws as wide as can be
Even though we have nothing to say
We think washing in mud keeps us nice and clean
We roll in it three times a day.

Word play

Eager beaver in the river
Swimming and splashing and having fun
Eager beaver in the river
Working hard till the job’s all done.

Eager beaver in the river
Swimming and splashing and having fun
Eager beaver in the river
Working hard till the job’s all done.

Eager beaver in the river
Swimming and splashing and having fun
Eager beaver in the river
Working hard till the job’s all done.

Sharing stories

Pirate teddies in the pirate boat
No matter the weather, we'll stay afloat
Dum, dee, dum, dee, dum, dee, dum
Together we'll sail across the sea and find the treasure so easily
Argh! Argh!
Pirate teddies in the pirate boat.

Pirate teddies climbing up so high
We'll climb until we touch the sky
Dum, dee, dum, dee, dum, dee, dum
We'll reach the castle next, you see and find the treasure so easily
Argh! Argh!
Pirate teddies climbing up so high.

Pirate teddies in a pirate land
No matter the weather, together we stand
Dum, dee, dum, dee, dum, dee, dum
We sailed across the deep blue sea and found the treasure so easily
Argh! Argh!
Pirate teddies in a pirate land!
