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Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Karla Cheatham Mosley
Curtis Cregan
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Jenn Korbee
Kimee Balmilero
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Tanya Meek
Sarah Boot
Leone Carey
Cathy Martin
Aired: May 14, 2004
Song of the Week: Living In A Rainbow
Week Theme: Colors
Before: Imagination
This: Playing
Next: Making in nature

Hi-5 USA - S01 E45 - Playing

Playing is the forty-fifth and last episode from Hi-5 USA Series 1.


Absent: SHAUN.



  • This is the last episode in which Chats wears her blue hat in the American version.
  • The reason Kimee's segment was adapted was that Jup Jup knocks the red balloon off the bench replaces the red ribbon with a stick.
  • All of the segments in this episode were shown again in Summer Rainbows.


Word play

Boom, boom, baboom, boom, boom, boom
Heartbeat pounding
Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, baboom, boom, boom, boom
Heartbeat pounding
Boom, boom, boom.

Body move #01

My heart is big as you can see
Now it's getting smaller, very tiny
My heart's getting big, can you pretend
To make it very small and give it to a friend?

My heart is big as you can see
Now it's getting smaller, very tiny
My heart's getting big, can you pretend
To make it very small and give it to a friend?

Making music

Well, I'm a music king, I'm a music king
Hear me play a beat and boppin today
I'm a music king, I'm a music king
Rocking all day swing a ding, ding, ding.

Puzzles and patterns

No Songlet

Body move #02

Balancing is fun
It's tricky to do
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble
You try it too.

Balancing is fun
It's tricky to do
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble
You try it too.

Balancing is fun
It's tricky to do
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble
You try it too.

Sharing stories

I've got a funny feeling
Today is the day
Something great is gonna happen
Hip hip hooray!

I've got a funny feeling
Today is the day
Something great is gonna happen
Hip hip hooray!

I've got a funny feeling
Today is the day
Something great is gonna happen
Hip hip hooray!
