Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Karla Cheatham Mosley
Curtis Cregan
Shaun Taylor-Corbett
Jenn Korbee
Kimee Balmilero
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Sarah Boot
Leone Carey
Cathy Martin
John Wilson
Laurine Croasdale
Aired: May 13, 2004
Song of the Week: Living In A Rainbow
Week Theme: Colors
Before: Nature
This: Favorites and feelings
Next: Playing

Hi-5 USA Season 1 Episode 44 Part 1


Hi-5 USA Season 1 Episode 44 Part 2


Hi-5 USA Season 1 Episode 44 Part 3-0

Imagination is the forty-fourth episode from Hi-5 USA Series 1.


Absent: JENN.




Puzzles and patterns

Belly wobble, belly wobble, just like me
Belly wobble, belly wobble, can't you see?
Shake your hips from side to side
Poke your belly out
And make it really wide.

Belly wobble, belly wobble, just like me (Whoo!)
Belly wobble, belly wobble, can’t you see?
Shake your hips from side to side
Poke your belly out
And make it really wide (Yee-haw!)

Belly wobble, belly wobble, just like me
Belly wobble, belly wobble, can't you see?
Shake your hips from side to side
Poke your belly out
And make it really wide.

Belly wobble, belly wobble, just like me
Belly wobble, belly wobble, can't you see?
Shake your hips from side to side
Poke your belly out
And make it really wide.

Body move #01

In my fancy pants I'm going to do a dance
Twisting, spinning, jumping like ants
In my fancy pants.

In my fancy top I'm going to do a bop
Twisting, spinning, give a little hop
In my fancy top.

In my fancy hat I'm going to dance like that
Twisting, spinning, dancing like that
In my fancy hat.

Making music

Shooting through the sky in a silver spaceship
Up, up, up to the silver stars
Shooting through the sky in a silver spaceship
Listen to the music of the silver stars.

Shooting through the sky in a silver spaceship
Up, up, up to the silver stars
Shooting through the sky in a silver spaceship
Listen to the music of the silver stars.

Body move #02

I have arrived from outer space
I've come from planets all over the place
Let's do a dance, dot, dor, doo
I brought a move so I can groove with you.

Shapes in space

Karaoke version of Living In A Rainbow

Body move #03

I love drawing, drawing, drawing
Here I go
I love drawing very carefully
I love drawing very slow.

I love stamping, stamping, stamping
Here I go
I love stamping very carefully
I love stamping very slow.

Sharing stories

Let's sing a song of the hungry sheep
Clip, clip, clip, clip, clop.

Let's sing a song of the hungry sheep
Clip, clip, clip, clip, clop.

Let's sing a song of a big hungry sheep
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Let's sing a song of three hungry sheep
Clip, clip, clip, clip, clop
Now that troll is sound asleep
Clip, clip, clip, clip, clop.
