The review of all the sets for Hi-5.
Hi-5 Series Set (1999-2011)[]
The studios were ABN-ABC (1998-2000) and TCN-9 (2001-2011) in Sydney.
Song Of The Week[]
- 1999-2000 In the TV show, the set was in blue walls and poles, with a giant white hand with multicoloured hands on it. In 2000, the set remained the same, except that cartoon versions of the cast are decorated on the walls and the applause SFX had changed.
- 2001-2004 In 2001, the Hi-5 set changed. It featured a large Hi-5 logo on the stage inside a yellow circle. Large curved blocks were piled on each side. In 2003, the stage became slightly smaller, with the large Hi-5 logo being altered a bit, and the 3 blocks move in closer to shorten the opening of the width.
- 2005-2008 The set was changed again. It has a large Hi-5 logo inside a bigger circle with colourful patterns around it. The Hi-5 logo has different colours, with the hand shape being light blue and its contour being yellow. Large blocks were also piled on each side, but they were rectangular and the design was different.
- 2009-2010 The set stayed the same. The applause SFX had also changed again, and now you hear the cast cheering along with the children. The Hi-5 logo also has slightly different colours, such as the ‘i’ being in magenta instead of yellow and the hyphen before the ‘5’ is in dark blue. Also, the patterns all around the floor are removed. (Especially the area near the three large blocks)
- 2011 The set remained the same, except the studio floor has changed to black.
Body Move[]
- 1999-2000 In this segment, the set was similar to the stage except there are no poles. The floor was brown with yellow hand-prints in a blue circle and white hand-prints outside the circle. In 2000, they shared the same floor as the Shapes In Space Segment with a blue circle and hand-prints inside were green
- 2001-2007 In 2001, the set changed. It featured large red and pink blocks and flowers on the floor.
- 2008 The set was slightly altered. The blocks' colours changed to pink, green and orange. The flower design on the floor also changed.
- 2009-2011 The set stayed the same except the design of the blocks was different. The blocks were light green and light pink, with small flower patterns on them.
Making Music[]
- 1999-2000 In this segment, it featured a green staff with yellow notes at the back. The floor was green with pink hand-prints. In 2000, the floor swapped places with the Puzzles And Patterns Segment which is a pink circle and green hand-prints.
- 2001-2007 In 2001, the set changed. It featured a blue staff with large blue musical notes at the back. The blue musical notes were also located on the floor.
- 2008-2011 The set changed again. It featured multicoloured blocks and a multicoloured staff with multicoloured musical notes at the back. It also has instruments at the side.
Puzzles And Patterns[]
- 1999 In this segment, the set was a semi-circle with a white background, a red roof, a bar (for some episodes), green hands and cabinets.
- 2000 The set stayed the same except the floor was swapped places with the Making Music Segment there was a coloured background, a pink roof, and multicoloured cabinets and hands.
- 2001-2006 In 2001, the set changed. It featured a big blue window, a green table bar (for some episodes), and multicoloured cabinets. From 2003, the left side of the wall was extended, the bar table changed to pink and there's an extra double yellow cabinet door.
- 2007-2008 The set stayed the same except the blue doors are coloured orange. Also, the blue outlines around the wall are changed to purple.
- 2009 The set changed again. It featured a bar (for some episodes) and multicoloured cabinets. It also has a garden.
- 2010-2011 The set stayed the same except there is a pink window at the back.
Shapes In Space[]
- 1999 In this segment, it featured green shapes and a bird puzzle at the side. The floor was brown with white hand-prints and an orange circle and purple hand-prints inside the circle.
- 2000 The set stayed the same except the floor was shared with the Body Move Segment, the puzzle decor is multicoloured and there is a large heart shaped decoration at the back. The brown floor and white hand-prints stayed in place but the orange circle changed to blue and the hand-prints changed from blue to green.
- 2001-2004 The set stayed the same except the shapes are multicoloured. The floor changed to having multicoloured shapes with an orange hand-print in a green square.
- 2005 The set stayed the same except instead of the puzzle, it was multicoloured squares and rectangles. The large decoration was not there.
- 2006-2008 The set stayed the same except there is a large decoration at the back.
- 2009-2011 The set stayed the same except the colour of the shapes are different. The large decoration was not there.
Word Play[]
- 1999 In this segment, it featured large balls and balloons at the back. There was a large green hand-print shaped table. The floor was pink with blue hand-prints.
- 2000 the balloons was only used at the back. The floor was swapped places with the Shapes In Space Segment with orange and blue hand-prints. The giant hand-print shaped table changed. It featured a giant red hand-print shaped table top. The walls on the table had 2 different colours each with a giant white hand. One side was lavender and one side was green.
- 2001 the lavender on the hand-print shaped table changed to purple. The hand-prints on the floor changed to circles coloured purple and two shades of green.
- 2002-2006 In 2002, the set changed. It featured a large decoration at the back. The hand-print shaped table changed from purple and green to blue and yellow. The circles on the floor are now red, yellow and blue with some blue hand-prints. In 2006, Chatterbox's lid from the interior changes from green to pink.
- 2007-2008 The set changed again. It featured a blue decoration with yellow circles lighted at the back.
- 2009-2011 The set stayed the same except the circles won't light anymore.
Sharing Stories[]
- 1999-2000 In the Sharing Stories Segment, the set was very similar to the Song Of The Week stage except that there was a banner linking the two poles. In 2000, the circle was a bit different with only the multicoloured hands, no longer the white large hand.
- 2001-2005 In 2001, the Sharing Stories set changed. It was similar to the Song Of The Week set but there was a yellow circle with a red outline on the stage.
- 2006 The set stayed the same except there were new colours and patterns on the poles and the yellow circle with the red outline was changed to a blue circle with a purple outline.
- 2007-2009 The set stayed the same except the circle changed back to yellow.
- 2010-2011 The set was changed again. Instead of poles, it is a green door and window.
- In Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 22 (When I grow up) during the Making Music segment, there is a set that was unused during the filming of series 2. It can also be seen during the song of the week segment, it's appearance is a hot pink circle with blue hand-prints
- It was probably supposed to be the set of either for Word Play or Body Move.
Unused flooring from series 2
Hi-5 House Set (2013-2016)[]
The studios were Infinite Studios, Singapore (Series 1) and KRU Studios, Malaysia (Series 2 – 3). The production company was Oak3 Films (Series 1).
Song Of The Week in the Backyard[]
The set contains an entitled theme "street", the yellow stage is drawn with coloured hands and the Hi-5 House logo in the center. But this stage is not as in the earlier Hi-5 series, because this gained new format. The central part is covered by coloured boxes with illuminations. Some of the pieces were previously used on the set of Sharing Stories (set used in Series 12 and Series 13, when it was filmed in Australia). At the bottom, there are coloured fences above a fence.
Body Move in the Backyard[]
The backyard has a cubby house (with a small stairway), with grass and some trees around. From Hi-5 House Series 2, there were big flower pots added on each side of the cubby
Making Music in the Music Room[]
The set has light walls in the background with colourful musical notes. The wall has a staff of colourful music notes on it, a window with an orange frame. The props include a big rainbow xylophone, a around armchair and a guitar-shaped shelf
Puzzles And Patterns in the Kitchen[]
The kitchen has a big countertop, a window and multicoloured kitchen cabinets. There's also a small round indoor hole window at the top, in the back. One of the cupboards has a "5" label on it.
Shapes In Space in the Rumpus Room[]
A yellow background, with coloured lines and various geometric shapes and hands (allusion to the Hi-5 logo), there is a TV screen and a triangle with square inside the circle in white background. The floor is covered with circles.
Word Play in the Bedroom[]
The place is now a quarter highlighted (perhaps eventually). The place is full of stars, includes a huge window in a pink wall and white floor, there is a round door, whose contour rainbow. Chats are in a box of hearts, that sits on top of the green cabinet three drawers highlighted in hot pink. There is a bed to sleep beside.
Sharing Stories in the Backyard[]
Some of the pieces were also previously used in Series 12-13's Sharing Stories set.
The Chatterbox in the Library[]
It features an array of bookcases and shelves, with Chats' box in the center of the room.
Hi-5 Revival Series Set (2017)[]
The studio was Pinewood Iskandar Studios in Malaysia.