Move your body is the seventh episode from Hi-5 Series 9.
- NATHAN wants to stay fit and makes his own gym.
- CHARLI becomes the champion broom weightlifter.
- Jup Jup gives SUN a balloon and some scarves to play inside.
- CHARLI does juggling with three scarves.
- Percussionist TIM plays all instruments by himself.
- CHARLI tries to keep a beat for the marching band but her arms and legs don't want to keep that beat.
- KELLIE does animal aerobics.
- CHARLI pretends to be a goose.
- SHARING STORIES: Charli tells us a story about a cowgang (Nathan, Sun and Tim) that go on a lassoing competition but they hadn't done any lassoing before, until a cowgirl (Kellie) teaches them the way to do it well.
- During Sharing Stories, everyone (except Tim) wore the same costumes from I'm Feeling Fine, also Sun wore Kathleen's costume.
- In this episode, the segments except Sharing Stories were played just by their owners without any help.