KELLIE tries to lift up a pot but it is too heavy, so she imagines she is at Chats' weight lifting gym.
CHARLI pretends to be a sumo wrestler.
TIM makes a speedy song while he races his car, so he imagines being a racing car driver.
CHARLI pretends to be the flag waver of a big car race.
NATHAN paints the biggest sponge painting ever.
CHARLI paints with her hands.
SHARING STORIES: Tim tells us a story about two robots (Charli and Kellie) that have a party and invite their round neighbours (Sun and Nathan), soon they realise how different they dance and they try to do those moves.
Sumo or sumo wrestling is a competitive full-contact wrestling sport where a rikishi (wrestler) attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring (dohyō) or into touching the ground with anything other than the soles of his feet. [1]