Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Different ways to be brave
Cast: Tim Harding
Nathan Foley
Charli Robinson
Sun Pezzimenti
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Jonathan Geraghty
Written by: Leone Carey
Cameron Clarke
Valerie Foley
Lisa Hoppe
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Aired: July 16, 2007
Song of the Week: Strong And Brave
Week Theme: Brave and strong
Before: Ways of recording experience
This: Different ways to be brave
Next: First steps & give it a go

Hi-5 Season 9 Episode 26

Different ways to be brave is the twenty-sixth episode from Hi-5 Series 9.


  • Chats is afraid of the storms and KELLIE helps her to overcome her fear.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a storm.
  • Prince of knights NATHAN looks for flowers for a dragon (Kellie) who has a cold but he gets lost in the forest.
  • CHARLI follows a path of flower petals.
  • Elephant TIM plays with a baby elephant (Nathan) and they make a song together.
  • CHARLI pretends to drive a truck as she honks the honk, then she pretends to ride a bike as she rings the little bell.
  • SUN is about to sleep but she starts to hear strange noises and funny shapes appear around.
  • CHARLI plays a super space game.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kellie tells us a story about two siblings (Sun and Tim) that are going to catch a train to the beach but they accidentally catch one that takes them to the snow, where they meet two penguins (Charli and Nathan) that help them to keep warm.



