Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Charli Robinson
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Tim Harding
Nathan Foley
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Ray Boseley
Leone Carey
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: July 4, 2005
Song of the Week: T.E.A.M.
Week Theme: Teams
Before: Contrast and affinity
This: Sports
Next: When am I a team player?

Hi-5 Season 7 Episode 31

Sports is the thirty-first episode from Hi-5 Series 7.


  • KELLIE and Chats find a way to call a hog.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a horse in a horse riding competition.
  • KATHLEEN tries out for the tennis team, but Jup Jup takes away the ball and changes it for an ice hockey puck and then for a golf ball.
  • CHARLI plays totem tennis.
  • TIM makes a song for the hopping team.
  • CHARLI practises cheering for a team.
  • NATHAN and Tim practise silly party games.
  • CHARLI plays pin the tail on the donkey.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kathleen tells us a story about three creatures (Tim, Nathan and Charli) from a strange planet that play blast ball, but once the ball gets stuck in Tim's blutter and it doesn't sound anymore, so he visits the doctor (Kellie).



Word play

What sort of call would a hog like to hear?
What sort of call for a little piggy ear?
Is that the one?
To make a little hog come.

What sort of call would a hog like to hear?
What sort of call for a little piggy ear?
Is that the one?
To make a little hog come.

What sort of call would a hog like to hear?
What sort of call for a little piggy ear?
Is that the one?
To make a little hog come.

Body move #01

Trit-trot, trit-trot, little show pony
I say as a trot along
Trit-trot, trit-trot, little show pony
Sounds like a show pony song.

Puzzles and patterns

Hit the ball strong and smooth
Bounce it up and get in the groove
Practice every stroke
Practice every move
Practice helps you improve.

Hit the puck low and smooth
Slide and push and get in the groove
Practice every stroke
Practice every move
Practice helps you improve.

Hit the ball high and smooth
Swing it up and get in the groove
Practice every stroke
Practice every move
Practice helps you improve.

Body move #02

Forehand, backhand, round it goes
Forehand, backhand, round it goes
I play it in the sun, I play it in the rain
Tennis is my game, tennis is my game.

Making music

Hop, hop, hopping
Jump, jump, jumping
That's the way
Hopping for the dream team
Hop, hop, hopping
We're hopping off
To win the race
Hopping for the dream team.

Hop, hop, hopping
Jump, jump, jumping
That's the way
Hopping for our dream team
Hop, hop, hopping
We're hopping off
To win the race
Hopping for our dream team.

Body move #03

What are we here for? Let's get this straight
We're here to say our team's great
Give them a cheer, shake your hands up high
Come on team, reach for the sky!

Shapes in space

Jumping, jumping
Steady as you go
Jumping, jumping
Careful on your toes
Get to the finish line
One, two, three
Jumping, jumping
I made it!

Egg and spoon, egg and spoon
Steady as you go
Egg and spoon, egg and spoon
Careful on your toes
Get to the finish line
One, two, three
Egg and spoon, egg and spoon
I made it!

Walking, walking
Steady as you go
Walking, walking
Careful on your toes
Get to the finish line
One, two, three
Walking, walking
We made it!

Body move #04

Turning round and round
Try and find the picture
Try and find the frame
Gonna pin the tail on the donkey
'Cause it's the name of the game.

Turning round and round
Try and find the picture
Try and find the frame
Gonna pin the tail on the donkey
'Cause it's the name of the game.

Sharing stories

Playing blast ball is the best
Our teams are great, we all know
Bounce the ball high as we can
And then we watch it go.

Playing blast ball is the best
Our teams are great, we all know
Now his blutter's working
We can really make it go.
