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Hi-5 TV Wiki
Other worlds
Cast: Nathan Foley
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Tim Harding
Charli Robinson
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Lisa Hoppe
Leone Carey
Ray Boseley
Anne Kenyon
Chris Phillips
Cameron Clarke
Aired: October 22, 2003
Song of the Week: Underwater Discovery
Week Theme: Discovery
Before: Mysteries
This: Other worlds
Next: Fantasy

Hi-5 Season 5 Episode 43

Other worlds is the forty-third episode from Hi-5 Series 5.


  • KATHLEEN makes pictures of star shapes.
  • CHARLI does starry stretches.
  • KELLIE and Chats pretend to visit Planet Opposite.
  • CHARLI finds different words to say that something is big or small.
  • TIM skydives while he hears the sound of the wind.
  • CHARLI and Kellie play with a sheet.
  • NATHAN makes his own universe.
  • CHARLI makes a little spaceship.
  • SHARING STORIES: Charli tells us a story about a school at the bottom of the sea, Mrs. Eel (Kellie) sends her students (Tim the octopus, Nathan the angelfish and Kathleen the seahorse) to find something special to bring back to class.



Puzzles and patterns

When the night time falls and the stars come out to play
I love to see them twinkle in very special way
When the night time falls, look up at the sky
To find a starry picture twinkling way up high.

When the night time falls and the stars come out to play
I love to see them twinkle in very special way
When the night time falls, look up at the sky
To find a starry picture twinkling way up high.

When the night time falls and the stars come out to play
I love to see them twinkle in very special way
When the night time falls, look up at the sky
To find a starry picture twinkling way up high.

Body move #01

Stop for a moment wherever you are
Stretch out like me and look like a star
Reaching right out with your fingers to toes
Then pulling your knees, this is how it goes
Take your knees to one side and look the other way
Relaxing breathe deeply all your troubles away
Stop for a moment wherever you are
Stretch out like me and look like a star.

Word play

Planet Opposite, a very strange place
Where down means up and up means down
And yes means no and no means yes
We tidy up to make a mess
Where stop means go and black is white
And everything is front to back
There's just one place that you can be
The place where I means you and you means me
Planet Opposite.

Planet Opposite, a very strange place
Where down means up and up is down
And yes means no and no means yes
Where we tidy up to make a mess
Where stop means go and white is black
And everything is front to back
There's just one place that you can be
The place where I means you and you means me
Planet Opposite.

Planet Opposite, a very strange place
Where down means up and up is down
And yes means no and no means yes
Where we tidy up to make a mess
Where stop means go and white is black
And everything is front to back
There's just one place that you can be
The place where I means you and you means me
Planet Opposite.

Body move #02

There's lots of words that we can find to say that something's big
Large, huge, enormous, they're good words for big
There's lots of words that we can find to say that something's small
Like little, tiny, teenie weenie, barely there at all.

There's lots of words that we can find to say that something's big
Like large, huge, enormous, they're good words for big
There's lots of words that we can find to say that something's small
Like little, tiny, teenie weenie, barely there at all.

Making music

Whoosh, whoosh, I'm whistling through the air
Zoom, zoom, streaking down without a care
Skydiving, swoop and soar, whistling wind becomes a roar
Diving, diving, soon arriving on the ground once more.

Swish, swish, I'm floating through the air
Swoosh, swoosh, I'd drift without a care
So peaceful way up here, wafting through the atmosphere
So calm a quiet, you should try it, glide with me up here.

Body move #03

Colourful silky floating cloud (Colourful silky floating cloud)
Falling from the sky (Falling from the sky)
Billowing falling floating down (Billowing falling floating down)
Down from way up high (Down from way up high).

A colourful silky floating cloud (Colourful silky floating cloud)
Falling from the sky (Falling from the sky)
Billowing falling floating down (Billowing falling floating down)
Down from way up high (Down from way up high).

Shapes in space

This universe is the place to be, moving in a rocket in space
Round the universe we go in a floating kind of race
Planets are turning, moon is changing, galaxies spiral and spin
Planets with rings and black holey things
Makes this a happening place, makes this a happening place.

This universe is the place to be, moving in a rocket in space
Round the universe we go in a floating kind of race
Planets are turning, moon is changing, galaxies spiral and spin/Oh la la la, oh la la la
Planets with rings and black holey things/Oh la la la, oh la la la
Makes this a happening place, makes this a happening place.

Body move #04

I've got a spaceship, watch it fly
It's got buttons to press when it wants to go up high
It'll blast off with a great big zoom
And make it sound like a giant boom.

I've got a spaceship, watch it fly
It's got buttons to press when it wants to go up high
It'll blast off with a great big zoom
And make it sound like a giant boom.

Sharing stories

A deep sea school, we have one move
We try our best all day at school
A deep sea school, it's really cool
We learn and play all day at school.

A deep sea school, we have one move
We try our best all day at school
A deep sea school, it's really cool
We learn and play all day at school.
