Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Tim Harding
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Nathan Foley
Charli Robinson
Kellie Crawford
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Liz Arvidson
Leone Carey
Emma-Jane Dann
Lisa Hoppe
Chris Phillips
Angela Webber
Aired: August 7, 2001
Song of the Week: You're My Number One
Week Theme: Favourites
Before: People
This: Animals
Next: Games

Hi-5 Season 3 Episode 42

Animals is the forty-second episode from Hi-5 Series 3.


  • KELLIE and Chats pretend to be meerkats.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a scary lion with a funny roar.
  • TIM's puppies (Nathan, Kellie, and Kathleen) sing together and they become pop stars.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a pop star parrot.
  • KATHLEEN makes a pet using boxes.
  • CHARLI takes care of her kitten.
  • NATHAN talks about penguins and he dresses up like one along with the Hi-5 band.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a penguin and she does ice skating.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kathleen tells us a story about a well behaved dog (Tim) with his owner (Kellie), and a not well behaved dog (Charli) with her owner (Nathan), the two dogs meet each other and learn new things.




Word play

I'm a little meerkat, I'm only very small
I'm really very playful, I can curl up in a ball
I can hurry here and there and scurry up a tree
Look after my meerkat friends and they look after me.

I'm a little meerkat, I'm only very small
I'm really very playful, I can curl up in a ball
I can hurry here and there and scurry up a tree
Look after my meerkat friends and they look after me.

Body move #01

I'm a lion, see my mane
I can prowl and swish my tail
I can show my teeth and roll my head
But I'd rather roar instead.

I'm a lion, see my mane
I can prowl and swish my tail
I can show my teeth and roll my head
But I'd rather roar instead.

Making music

Come on, you have it what you're gonna do
You're a pop star, yeah (Oh, oh, oh)
Everybody sing it (Woof, woof, woof, woof)
Everybody swing it (Yeep, yeep, yeep, yeep)
Everybody shake it (Arf, arf, arf, arf)
We're gonna make it 'cause we're the pop stars, yeah.

Come on, you have it what you're gonna do
You're a pop star, yeah (Oh, oh, oh)
Everybody sing it (Woof, woof, woof, woof)
Everybody swing it (Yeep, yeep, yeep, yeep)
Everybody shake it
We're gonna make it 'cause we're the pop stars, yeah.

Body move #02

Come on, you have it what you're gonna do
We're the pop star parrots, oh, oh, oh
Everybody sing it, squawk, squawk, squawk
Everybody swing it side to side
Everybody shake it, shake, shake, shake
We're gonna make it 'cause we're the pop stars parrots Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk.

Come on, you have it what you're gonna do
You're a pop star parrot, oh, oh, oh
Everybody sing it, squawk, squawk, squawk
Everybody swing it side to side
Everybody shake it, shake, shake, shake
We're gonna make it, we're the pop stars parrots Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk.

Puzzles and patterns

I love to take care of my favourite pet
I feed her, play games and put it a bed
Sit, stay, roll over and fetch
Yes, I love to take care of my favourite pet.

I love to take care of my favourite pet
I feed her, play games and put it a bed
Sit, stay, roll over and fetch
Yes, I love to take care of my favourite pet.

Body move #03

I'm taking care of my favourite pet
I feed her, play games, put her to bed
Kitty's my friend to the end
I love taking care of my favourite pet.

I'm taking care of my favourite pet
I feed her, play games, put her to bed
Kitty's my friend to the end
I love taking care of my favourite pet.

Shapes in space

I'm a penguin, yes, I am, I live in the freezing cold
I waddle around the icy snow and slide where I wanna go
I'm a penguin, yes, I am.

I like to clung with all my friends, we huddle to keep warm
But best is in the middle protected from the storm.

I'm a penguin, yes, I am, I live in the freezing cold
I waddle around the icy snow and slide where I wanna go
I'm a penguin, yes, I am
I like to clung with all my friends, we huddle to keep warm
But best is in the middle protected from the storm.

Body move #04

It's a wibbly wobbly
Slippery slidely thing to do
It's a wibbly wobbly falling-down thing to do.

It's a sliding gliding
Slippery slidely thing to do
It's a riding gliding sliding kind of thing to do.

Sharing stories

When a dog wags its tail it's happy and it wants to play
Running and fetching, barking and playing
Playing the day away.

When a dog wags its tail it's happy and it wants to play
Running and fetching, barking and playing
Playing the day away.

When a dog wags its tail it's happy and it wants to play
Running and fetching, barking and playing
Playing the day away.
