Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Kellie Crawford
Charli Robinson
Nathan Foley
Kathleen de Leon Jones
Tim Harding
Directed by: Ian Munro
Written by: Sarah Boot
Leone Carey
Billie Dean
Andrew Einspruch
Lisa Hoppe
Chris Phillips
Evelyn Saunders
Aired: May 2, 2000
Song of the Week: So Many Animals
Week Theme: Animals
Before: Jungle animals
This: Insects
Next: Farm animals

Hi-5 Season 2 Episode 12

Insects is the twelfth episode from Hi-5 Series 2.


  • KATHLEEN pretends to have insect legs.
  • CHARLI pretends to be an ant.
  • KELLIE and Chats talk in cicada language.
  • CHARLI looks for a cicada.
  • TIM and the Hi-5 band pretend to be insects.
  • CHARLI pretends to fly like different kinds of insects.
  • NATHAN pretends to be a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a butterfly.
  • SHARING STORIES: Kellie tells us a story about a girl (Kathleen) who loves insects, her friend (Nathan) suggests her to be an insectologist, and she dreams about a dragonfly (Charli) after seeing a real one (Tim).



Puzzles and patterns

Insects are animals
Just like me and you
They're not very cuddly
And they hardly say boo
They have lots of legs
Which come in pairs of two
I can't imagine moving with so many legs
Can you?

Insects are animals
Just like me and you
They're not very cuddly
And they hardly say boo
They have lots of legs
Which come in pairs of two
I can't imagine moving with so many legs
Can you?

Insects are animals
Just like me and you
They're not very cuddly
And they hardly say boo (Boo!)
They have lots of legs
Which come in pairs of two
I can't imagine moving with so many legs
Can you?

Body move #01

Lifting, shifting, take it home
Peace by peace, bit by bit, take it home.

Lifting, shifting, take it home
Peace by peace, bit by bit, take it home.

Word play

Here's the cicada hiding in the tree
Drumming away as fast as can be
He's sending out a message for all of us to hear
Where are you? I'm over here.

Here's the cicada hiding in the tree
Drumming away as fast as can be
He's sending out a message for all of us to hear
Where are you? I'm over here.

Here's the cicada hiding in the tree
Drumming away as fast as can be
He's sending out some messages for all of us to hear
Where are you? I'm over here.

Body move #02

Here's the cicada hiding in the tree
Drumming away as fast as can be
He's sending out a message for all of us to hear
Where are you? I'm over here.

Here's a cicada hiding in a tree
Drumming away as fast as can be
He's sending out a message for all of us to hear
Where are you? I'm over here.

Making music

Hey, little fly, my oh my
Hey, little fly, my oh my
What's it like to be like you
If I were you what would I do?

We're little insects, my oh my
We're little insects, my oh my
It's fun to be like me and you
If you were us what would you do?

We're little insects, my oh my
We're little insects, my oh my
It's fun to be like me and you
If you were us what would you do?

Body move #03

Hey, little insect, my oh my
Hey, little insect, my oh my
What's it like to be like you
If I were you what would I do?

Shapes in space

In my cocoon tucked up inside
Ready to open my wings out wide
The day has come, it's almost time
To spread my wings and fly.

In my cocoon tucked up inside
Ready to open my wings out wide
The day has come, it's almost time
To spread my wings and fly.

Time to stretch my brand new wings
I've never seen such beautiful things
Up and down, up and down
It's easy if you try
Up and down, up and down
I can fly, I can fly
I can fly, I can fly.

Body move #04

In my cocoon tucked up inside
Ready to open my wings out wide
The day has come, it's almost time
To spread my wings and fly
Slowly stretch my brand new wings
I've never seen such beautiful things
Up and down, up and down
It's easy if you try
Up and down, up and down
I can fly, I can fly
I can fly, I can fly.

Sharing stories

Everywhere I go
No matter what I do
I'll always keep and look out
For bugs and insects too.

Everywhere I go
No matter what I do
Even with my eyes closed
I'll dream of you.

Everywhere you go
No matter what you do
When you dream a dream
I shall be with you.

Everywhere you go
No matter what you do
When you dream a dream
I shall be with you.
