Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Making and mixing
Cast: Lachie Dearing
Bailey Spalding
Courtney Clarke
Joe Kalou
Shay Clifford
Directed by: Jonathan Geraghty
Written by: Leone Carey
Chris Phillips
Lisa Hoppe
Catherine Martin
Cameron Clarke
Tamra Palmer
Aired: June 7, 2017
Song of the Week: Living In A Rainbow
Week Theme: -
Before: The world
This: Making and mixing
Next: Favourites and feelings

Hi-5 Australia - S17 E18 - Making and Mixing (Netflix Version)

Making and mixing is the eighteenth episode from Hi-5 Series 17.


  • SHAY has been invited to a mixed up costume party and looks for something to wear. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 8, Episode 10 (Mixing).
  • BAILEY mix-and-matches clothes from the dress-up box.
  • LACHIE experiments with some magical colour mixing.
  • BAILEY pretends to be a colourful butterfly. Adapted from Original Hi-5 Series 7, Episode 44 (Life).
  • JOE mixes different coloured instruments together to make an orchestra of rainbow sounds. Adapted from Original Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 33 (Making and mixing).
  • COURTNEY paints a picture of Uluru with Chats in front, but the sky doesn't stop changing its colour. Adapted from Original Hi-5 Series 7, Episode 1 (Nature).
  • BAILEY paints using her fingers and hands.
  • SHARING STORIES: Courtney tells a story about a chameleon (Joe) who camouflages when he feels nervous, and his animal friends (Shay, Bailey and Lachie), who try to help him feel better about his special feature. Originally from Hi-5 Series 17, Episode 16 (Your world).


Members description[]

Lachie: It's a mad and colourful day today. So, join us for some...
All: Making and mixing!
