Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Cast: Stevie Nicholson
Casey Burgess
Lauren Brant
Fely Irvine
Tim Maddren
Directed by: Jonathan Geraghty
Written by: Leone Carey
Cameron Clarke
Valerie Foley
Leisa Gartsky
Tamra Palmer
Susan Oliver
Aired: October 20, 2010
Song of the Week: Toy Box
Week Theme: Toys
Before: Teddy bear adventures
This: Games
Next: Favourite things

Hi-5 Australia - S12 E28 - Games

Games is the twenty-eighth episode from Hi-5 Series 12.


  • FELY makes a game with purple and green cups.
  • LAUREN and Fely have a competition to know who is the cup stacker champion.
  • STEVIE and Casey play a shapes game.
  • LAUREN pretends to be the spinner of a game.
  • Meerkats TIM, Fely, Stevie and Casey play musical mounds.
  • FIT BIT TIPS: Stevie and the kids show Tim how to play hockey. Originally from Hi-5 Series 12, Episode 17 (In the kitchen).
  • CASEY plays Chats' game What's behind the curtain?.
  • LAUREN pretends to be the grumble in the tummy.
  • SHARING STORIES: Tim tells us a story about a girl (Fely) that has moved to a new house and sees three kids (Casey, Lauren and Stevie) playing, so she wants to talk to them but she is afraid, so she uses a sock puppet to meet them. The hidden treasure is a kookaburra. Originally from Hi-5 Series 12, Episode 26 (Puppets).

