Hi-5 TV Wiki
Hi-5 TV Wiki
Wild life
Cast: Charli Robinson
Nathan Foley
Kellie Crawford
Stevie Nicholson
Sun Pezzimenti
Directed by: Karin Fitzhardinge
Written by: Leone Carey
Cameron Clarke
Valerie Foley
Leisa Gartsky
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Aired: July 23, 2008
Song of the Week: Planet Earth
Week Theme: Planet Earth
Before: Adventures
This: Wild life
Next: Exploring

Hi-5 Season 10 Episode 13

Wild life is the thirteenth episode from Hi-5 Series 10.


  • SUN visits the backyard bush at night and looks for nocturnal animals.
  • CHARLI pretends to be an owl.
  • Chats shows KELLIE a chair called Wild Weather World, so she tries it out and feels different kinds of weather.
  • CHARLI makes a whirlpool with a colourful ribbon and then she pretends to be one.
  • FIT BIT TIPS: Nathan and Stevie show the kids how to climb a moving wall.
  • Mottled birds STEVIE and Nathan fly to the other side of the world.
  • Eco CHARLI keeps all the animals of the planet moving along.
  • Termite NATHAN builds a termite mound while dancing tap.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a footy playing ant.
  • SHARING STORIES: Sun tells us a story about four friends (Charli, Nathan, Kellie and Stevie) that pack their things for a day in their boat, then they're off and the waves start getting big and choppy, so they look for a quiet place to hide from the wild sea.


Members description[]

Sun: Welcome to our wild world week.
Stevie: Yeah, how about some flying? Flapping some wings.
Kellie: And explore wild life the Hi-5 way.
All: And get wild!
