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Hi-5 TV Wiki
Backyards and recycling
Cast: Charli Robinson
Nathan Foley
Kellie Crawford
Stevie Nicholson
Sun Pezzimenti
Directed by: Karin Fitzhardinge
Written by: Leone Carey
Cameron Clarke
Valerie Foley
Leisa Gartsky
Tamra Palmer
Chris Phillips
Aired: July 21, 2008
Song of the Week: Planet Earth
Week Theme: Planet Earth
Before: Doing things together
This: Backyards and recycling
Next: Adventures

Hi-5 Season 10 Episode 11

Backyards and recycling is the eleventh episode from Hi-5 Series 10.


  • KELLIE turns old boxes into a cargo ship that carries rubbish to recycle it.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a tugboat.
  • NATHAN makes sculptures of the stuff he found in the backyard.
  • CHARLI pretends to be an earthworm.
  • FIT BIT TIPS: Nathan, Stevie and the kids leap on puddles.
  • STEVIE makes a rhythm out of the sounds the recycling bins make.
  • CHARLI turns some bins into a drum kit.
  • SUN makes a cow out of plastic stuff.
  • CHARLI pretends to be a dancing reindeer.
  • SHARING STORIES: Charli tells us a story about four paper elves (Nathan, Sun, Kellie and Stevie) that work very hard making paper, one day the container of bits of pieces they use to make paper gets empty, so they try to solve the problem.


Members description[]

Nathan: This week is all about our great planet: Earth.
Kellie: And that includes our own backyards.
Charli: Okay, green team?
All: Let's go!

