Underwater is the forty-third episode from Hi-5 Series 1.
- NATHAN travels by a submarine.
- CHARLI imagines what we would see through the submarine window.
- KATHLEEN makes a place for a fish, but Jup Jup takes away her rocks.
- CHARLI pretends to walk through the water.
- CHARLI sings the ABC song.
- TIM makes music with water and sand and pretends to be a crab along with the Hi-5 band.
- CHARLI makes a crab rhythm.
- KELLIE and Chats talk about hermit crabs.
- CHARLI pretends to be a hermit crab.
- SHARING STORIES: Kathleen tells us a story about a whale (Tim) stuck on the beach, and a family (Nathan, Charli and Kellie) try to help him.
- During Kathleen's & Tim's segments, Kellie wore the same red tank top from Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 12 (I would like to go) & Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 34 (Favourites and feelings).
- Kellie also wore the long-sleeved olive green shirt from Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 2 (Outside), Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 10 (Wonderful), Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 12 (I would like to go), Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 21 (Bodies growing), and Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 36 (Seeing).
- Kellie wore the same top from Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 3 (Rainy days), Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 10 (Wonderful), Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 13 (I would like to make), and Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 36 (Seeing) during her segment.
- Shapes in space
Down in the sea, in the deep blue sea
Here we go my submarine and me
Watching sea creatures passing by
Jellyfish, eel and octopi
Chuck, chuck, swish, my submarine and me
Looking through the periscope
What can we see?
Down in the sea, in the deep blue sea
Here we go my submarine and me
Watching sea creatures passing by
Jellyfish, eel and octopi
Chuck, chuck, swish, my submarine and me
Looking through the periscope
What can we see?
- Body move #01
You might see sharks swooshing their tail
Lots of fish or maybe a whale
A scuba diver out for a swim
Or maybe some dolphins that dance on their fins
One big shark, swooshing its tail
Lots of fish or maybe a whale
A scuba diver out for a swim
And maybe some dolphins that dance on their fins.
- Puzzles and patterns
Here are three rocks for one fishbowl
One and two and then comes three
Here are three fish for one fishbowl
One and two and then comes three
Now it's one and two and three
Come on everybody, count back with me
Now it's three and two and one
Let's keeps counting, it's lots of fun
Three rocks, three fish
One, two, three.
Here are three rocks for one fishtank
One and two and then comes three
Here are three fish for one fishtank
One and two and then comes three
Now it's one and two and three
Come on everybody, count back with me
Now it's three and two and one
Let's keeps counting, it's lots of fun
Three rocks, (three plants), three fish
One, two, three.
- Body move #02
Wading through the water
Splash, splash, splash, splash
Running through the water
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh
Swimming through the water
Just like a fish, swish, swish, swish.
Wading through the water
Splash, splash, splash, splash
Running through the water
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh
Swimming through the water
Just like a fish, swish, swish, swish.
- Filler song
A B C everybody jump with me. Bend, jump.
D E F swing to the right, swing to the left.
G H I stretch right up to the sky. Stretch.
J K L touch your toes, you're doing well.
M N O breathe in lots and blow, blow, blow.
P Q R jump and stretch out like a star. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
S T U relax for the count of two. One, two.
V W X stretch and flex, stretch and flex.
Y and Z relax and shake your arms and legs.
That was Charli's exercises A to Z.
- Making music
Come and sing with me
Underneath the sea
Singing with the whales...
Come and slide with me
Underneath the sea
Slide from side to side
Slide, slide.
Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea...
Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Making music with your claws
Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Making music with your claws
Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Making music with your claws
Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
Be a crab with me
At the bottom of the sea
Making music with your claws
Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.
- Body move #03
No songlet
- Word play
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking here
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking there
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere
Snap, snap, snap, my claws here
Snap, snap, snap, my claws there
Snap, snap, snap, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere.
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking here
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking there
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere
Snap, snap, snap, my claws here
Snap, snap, snap, my claws there
Snap, snap, snap, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere.
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking here
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a crab walking there
Scuttle, scuttle, scuttle, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere
Snap, snap, snap, my claws here
Snap, snap, snap, my claws there
Snap, snap, snap, I'm a hermit crab
I'm scuttling everywhere.
- Body move #04
No songlet
- Sharing stories
When I'm feeling all alone
Wishing I was at home
I sing a happy homeward song
I'll be back home before too long.
When we're feeling all alone
Wishing we were at home
We sing a happy homeward song
We'll be back home before too long.